Idara ya Utafiti, Mafunzo na Huduma za Ugani



To provide expertise and services on livestock research, training and extension services.


  • To backstop and coordinate livestock research and extension in and outside the country.
  • To collect and document livestock research findings.
  • To build capacity of Sector staff including those working in Regional Secretariats and LGAs.
  • To coordinate and monitor livestock training.

The Division to be led by a Director and to have two (2) Sections as follows: -

  1. Livestock Research and Training Section.

The Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Coordinate livestock research in the Country and outside the Country.
  • Review, develop and institute research guidelines and ethics.
  • Upscale appropriate technology for sustainable livestock productivity.
  • Develop livestock research database.
  • Compile and disseminate research findings to stakeholders.
  • Strengthen the capacity of livestock research and training institutes and centres to provide demand driven research and training through rehabilitation and retooling.
  • Formulate, review and update training policies, rules and regulations.
  • Evaluate training programs offered by Livestock Training Institutes (LITIs) and review curricula to meet client demands.
  • Strengthen curriculum inspection and supervision for quality assurance of the training programs.
  • Develop competence based instructional materials for use by LITIs, extention staff, farmers and other stakeholders.
  • Strengthen linkages between extension – research –training and liaise with national, regional and international institutions.

This Section is to be led by an Assistant Director.

2, Extension Services Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Develop extension packages and methodologies.
  • Establish demonstration farms and pilot initiatives.
  • Provide technical information on livestock development to general public.
  • Facilitate formation of livestock farmers’ groups.
  • Provide guidelines for pastoral social welfare and conflict management.
  • Promote formation of pastoral and agro-pastoral ranching association.
  • Promote establishment and strengthen of livestock farmers community based initiatives.
  • Develop and Review guidelines for extension services.
  • Monitor, evaluate and coordinate extension services.
  • Promote private sector involvement and empowerment in the sector.
  • Promote sharing and exchange of skills and knowledge.

This Section is to be led by an Assistant Director.
