Kitengo cha Usimamizi wa Mazingira



To provide expertise on environment management within the Livestock Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -

  • Monitor compliance with the requirement of Environment Management Act within the Livestock Sector.
  • Advice on policy and legal reviews on environmental management in the Livestock Sector in Collaboration with Vice President’s Office (Division of Environment).
  • Monitor environmental protection compliance in the Livestock Sector.
  • Oversee the implementation of strategies to minimize adverse social – economic impacts due to Livestock Sector activities.
  • Undertake strategic environmental assessment of the Livestock Sector on sectoral legislation, regulations, policies, plans, strategies and program
  • Oversee the preparation and implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments required for the investments in Livestock.
  • Collaborate with the Ministry responsible for Local Governments, to build technical capacity of LGAs to integrated environmental issues related to Livestock Sector.
  • Educate the public on environmental friendly Livestock.
  • Prepare and coordinate the implementation of Livestock Sector environmental action plans at the national and local levels as required under EMA.

This Unit will be led by a Principal Environmental Officer.
