
Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mifugo na Uvuvi

CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR Prof. Riziki Silas Shemdoe


Sir Name: Shemdoe

Other Names: Riziki Silas

Place of Birth: Lushoto Tanga

Nationality: Tanzanian

Marital Status: Married with four children

Sex: Male

Language Proficiency: Kiswahili and English (Excellent speaking and writing)

Contact Address: P.O.Box 2870 Dodoma, Tanzania

E-mail: shemdoes@gmail.com; riziki.shemdoe@tamisemi.go.tz

Telephone: +255653275385

Names of the Father: Silas Joseph Shemdoe

Place of Birth : Lunguza Village; Makanya Ward; Lushoto District; Tanga Region, Tanzania

Name of the Mother: Kristina Moses Kopwe

Place of Birth : Kihitu Village; Ngwelo Ward; Lushoto District; Tanga Region, Tanzania

Current place of domicile for the parents: All are deceased and buried at their residence at Kihitu Village; Ngwelo Ward, Lushoto District, Tanga Region, Tanzania


Ph.D Applied Biological Sciences: Ghent University, Belgium (09.2005 – 09.2009)

M.Sc. Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Agriculture: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania (09.2001 to 11.2003)

B.Sc. Forestry: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania (09.1997 to 11.2000)

Advanced Level Secondary Education: Same Secondary School 1994 -1996

Ordinary Level Secondary Education: Lwandai Secondary School 1990 -1993

Primary School Education: Ngwelo Primary School 1983-1989


1. Assistant Research Fellow: Institute of Human Settlements Studies, University College of Lands and Architectural Studies, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2004-2009;

2. Research Fellow: Institute of Human Settlements Studies, University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2010 to 2013;

3. Senior Research Fellow: Institute of Human Settlements Studies, University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2013 to 2016

4. Acting Head of Department: Training and Research 2009 – 2013;

5. Acting Director: Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications. Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2011 to 2013;

6. Director: Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications. Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2013 to June 2016.

7. Associate Research Professor (Approved by Ardhi University Council in 2016)

8. District Executive Director: Mufindi District Council, July 2016 to July 2018

9. Regional Administrative Secretary: Ruvuma Region August 2018 to January 2020

10. Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Industry and Trade February 2020 to March 2021

11. Permanent Secretary: Presidents Office – Regional Administration and Local government April 2021 to March 2023

12. Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries March 2023 to Date


Supervisor to 18 master students

Supervisor of 5 PhD students

External examiner for over 20 masters dissertations from different Universities in Tanzania and outside Tanzania; and

Managing over 50 Research project as the Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications at Ardhi University.

Evidence of Supervision/mentorship of postgraduate degree candidates for the last five years

Dr Deusdedit Kibassa (PhD. awarded 2014) Adaptation potential of green structures to urban heat island in urban morphological types of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Ardhi University, Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Dr Fadhili Bwagalilo (PhD. awarded 2016) Integration of Geospatial Information Technologies and Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resources Management Decision Making: A Case of Zigi Catchment. Ardhi University, Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Dr Iddi Hassan (PhD. awarded 2016) Impacts of Drought on Ecosystem Services: A Case of Pugu Kazimzumbwi and Zanzibar Coastal Forests. Ardhi University, Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Other experiences

Working as an Accounting officer in various Institutions including Mufindi District Council, Ruvuma Regional Administration, Ministry of Industries and Trade and the current Presidents Office – Regional Administration and Local government;

Overseeing day to day business for 26 regions and 184 Councils in Tanzania Main land;

Supervising project activities for the Kihansi Catchment Conservation Management Project. The project financed by GEF and World Bank through National Environment Management Council of Tanzania for the activities that are carried out in Mufindi District Council, Iringa Tanzania 2017/2018

Assessment on how Institutions facilitate Urban Poor's Access to Ecosystem Services: A Comparison of Green and Water Structures in Bangladesh and Tanzania: National Team leader for the project funded by National Environmental council of United Kingdom under Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) 2014 -2016

Assessment on Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Communities in the Selected Villages of Kilosa, Kiteto and Pangani Districts in Tanzania. Team leader for the Project funded by Norwegian Church Aid September – October 2014

Developing Effective Strategies to Engage Private Sector and Civil Society in Executing REDD+ after Pilot Projects Phase in Tanzania. National Team Leader for the project funded by vliruos 2014 -2016

Reviewing and aligning of the national action programme (NAP) to combat desertification to a ten year strategic plan and framework to enhance the implementation of the UNCCD (2008 – 2018). Team leader for the project funded under the Tanzania’s Vice Presidents Office Division of Environment January To September, 2014

Assessments of the Status of REDD+ Readiness in Tanzania and Support to the Preparation of a Potential 2nd UN-REDD Tanzania Programme. National team leader for the project funded by UNDP March to May 2014

Climate Vulnerability Capacity Analysis (CVCA): Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in the Global Water Initiative and Where the Rain Falls Programme Sites. Team leader for project funded by Care International in Tanzania November 2013 – January 2014

Existing and On-going Processes for Setting-Up New Funds of Climate Finance Mechanism in Tanzania. Team member for the project funded through Vice Presidents Officer under the National REDD+ Secretariat, Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es salaam. November to December 2013

National consultant for developing the proposal on Strengthening Climate Information And Early Warning Systems For Climate Resilient Development And Adaptation To Climate Change in Tanzania. The proposal that was funded by GEF through UNDP and Tanzania’s Vice Presidents Office Division of Environment September 2012 to July 2013

Assessment of the potential incentives for the private sector investment in Climate Change Adaptation Programmes in Tanzania. Team leader for the project funded through the Ministry of Finance July – August 2012

Terminal evaluation of the Project on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Integrated Water Resources Management in Pangani River Basin (Tanzania): 00053407 (PIMS 3308). National consultant for the project funded by UNDP. May 2011

Buyers and Sellers profiling and assessing their willingness to participate in the Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (EPWS) programme. Team leader for the project funded by WWF Tanzania Country Office January to March 2011

Identification, development and up-scaling of Incentive and market based mechanisms (IMBMs) for sustainable land management (SLM) and UNCCD implementation in Tanzania. Team leader for the project funded by The Global Mechanism, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, through Tanzania’s Vice Presidents Office Division of Environment December 2010

Climate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA). Co Researcher for the project funded by European Union December 2010 to Nov, 2013

Development of a programme proposal in the area of environmental protection and climate change mitigation (US$ 5,375,250): Sustainable Financing to Reverse the Long Term Forest Degradation and Loss of Carbon from the Eastern Arc Mountains Forests World Heritage Site, submitted to Norwegian Embassy. The proposal that was funded by Government of Norway. National consultant for the project that was commissioned by Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) April to November 2010

Tracking effective indigenous adaptation strategies on impacts of climate variability on food security and health of subsistence farmers in Tanzania. Team leader for the project funded by African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS) Network December 2009 – December 2010

Participatory monitoring and evaluation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Derema Forest Corridor”. Team leader. The project was commissioned by WWF Tanzania Country Office October – Mid November 2009.

Developing a policy brief on Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (EPWS) in Tanzania – making progress on slippery slopes”. Team leader. The project was commissioned by WWF, Tanzania Country Office June – August 2008

Assessing toxic elements in soils and sludge of the waste dumpsite close to the Indian Ocean: The case of closed waste dump site of Mtoni Dar es Salaam. Principal Investigator. The project was funded by Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), 2007 – 2008

Assessing the Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices in Managing Wetland Resources in Semi-Arid Central Tanzania. Principal Investigator. The project was funded by African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) 2006 – 2007

Assessing the Impact of Traditional Tillage Practices on Field Characteristics and Crop Yields: The Case of Semi-arid, Central Tanzania. The PhD Research project was funded by Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC). 2005 – 2009


Management Experience

He started his management carrier at ARU as the Acting Head of Department in the Department of Research and Consultancy at the Institute of Human Settlements Studies in 2009 when he just completed his PhD, the position that he held until July 2016. Shemdoe while holding the position of acting Head of Department he was then promoted to Research and Training Senior Management Positions. For six (6) years (2011 to 2016) he held positions of Acting Director of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications at Ardhi University (May 2011 to August 2013) and subsequently he was confirmed as Substantive Director in the same Directorate in September 2013 the position he held up until he was appointed as the District Executive Director of Mufindi District Council. After working for two years as a District Executive Director, Shemdoe was then appointed Regional Administrative Secretary of Ruvuma Region where he worked for one year and then appointed to the position of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Trade. Shemdoe worked for this position for one year. In March 2021, her Excellence the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Appointed Shemdoe to be the Permanent Secretary in the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government, the position he served for two years and was again appointed as a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries the position that he is holding to date.

Resource Mobilization Capacity

Shemdoe as an individual has an excellent background and experience in financial resources mobilization as he has directed and worked with teams to develop national and multinational projects and programmes that have secured funding which benefited both researchers and students at ARU. Some of these include:

Supervised the development of The EU Support for Business Environment, Growth and Innovation - BEGIN (EUR 23 million equivalent to TZS 63.5 billion) that will promote inclusive economic growth, enhance consumer protection and create employment opportunities through innovation, in particular for women and youth. More specifically, the programme will support the Ministry of Industry and Trade to implement Tanzania’s Blueprint for Regulatory Reforms to improve the Tanzania Business Environment. The programme also focuses on increasing compliance of Micro, Small and Mediums sized Enterprises (MSMEs) with quality standards to widen market access, reduce standards compliance costs, and enhance consumer protection and on improving the environment for entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly for women and youth-led MSMEs.

SIDA funded programme that worth 6 billion Tshs for years 2015 - 2020 that will support training of 12 ARU academic members of staff to a PhD level, support 20 minor and six major research projects to ARU academic members of Staff as well as improving research infrastructure at ARU. The programme was developed by ARU team under Shemdoes’ directorship;

DAAD in country/in region program worth about 600million Tshs to train 12 masters and 12 PhD students from within East Africa region the project that is conducted between 2015 and 2020. This project was solely developed by Shemdoe and it is benefiting Tanzanians who are enrolled at Ardhi University, majority being Academic members of Staff at ARU;

Research project that worth 500,000GBP supported by NERC through ESPA that was jointly developed by him from ARU, other researchers from Universities of Lancaster and Manchester in the UK and BRAC University in Bangladesh. Out of this grant a total of 100,000GBP (450,000,000TAS) was allocated to ARU for research that was conducted between 2013 to 2016);

Vril Belgium funded a research project with a research grant amounting to 120,000,000 TAS. This was jointly developed by Shemdoe and Professors in Ghent University, under this project, two master students have been supported of whom one has graduated in 2016;

Developed and secured grant from Royal Embassy of Norway through Climate Change Impact Adaptation (CCIAM) programme worth’s 150,000,000TAS for the research that was conducted between 2010 and 2013 which has supported three masters’ students all of whom have graduated.

Participated in the development of Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA) project worth 3 million Euros under EU FP 7 where ARU worked with other 12 Research Institutions; 7 from Europe and 6 from Africa in which ARU received a total of 200,000 Euros (~400,000,000Tsh) for research which has eventually supported 6 PhD Students who are ARU academic staff members

Participated in the development of CLUVA Nexus programme worth 1.5M Euro funded by DAAD under the leadership of Technical University of Munich with other Six Research Institutions in Europe and Africa that is implemented for five years between 2013 and 2018 where ARU is benefiting from sending full funded 7 students and 3 staff members yearly to the Technical University of Munich under the exchange programme for 5 years (with a support to ARU to approximately 150,000Euro~300,000,000TAS).

As a National expert Shemdoe worked with an International Consultant to develop a 4 million USD project funded by Global Environmental Facility (GEF) for the Prime Minister's Office, Disaster Management Department (PMO-DMD) and Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Tanzania Country Office to support the early warning project that is being implemented between 2014 and 2018;

As a National expert Shemdoe worked with an international consultant to develop a 5milion USD funded by the Royal Government of Norway to the Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) in Morogoro;

Shemdoe has also developed and secured a number of other minor research grants from various organizations including UNEP, IUCN, IDRC, SIDA, African Peace-Building Network (APN), African Technology and Policy Network (ATPN) and Research in Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) with approximately total of 100,000,000 TAS


Journal Articles

Roy M; Shemdoe R; Hulme D; Mwageni N and Gough A (2018). Climate change and declining levels of green structures: Life in informal settlements of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Landscape and Urban Planning https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.11.011

Shemdoe R. (2016) REDD+ benefit sharing under models tested by Pilot projects in Tanzania: Inputs towards developing national benefit sharing mechanism models. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 14 (1):38-44

Bwagalilo,F, Liwa E and Shemdoe R. (2016). Decision Support Systems in Forest Management: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Open University of Tanzania. (22):13-19

Shemdoe R (2015). Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Community Adaptation Strategies in Dry and Coastal Areas of Tanzania. Journal of Building and Land Development 17 (1 & 2): 50-61

Mngumi L, Shemdoe RS and Liwenga E 2015. Community Dependence on Forest Resources and its bearing on REDD+ initiative in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves, Tanzania. The African Resources and Development Journal, Open University of Tanzania 2 (1):1-19

Bwagalilo Fadhili, Evarist Liwa, Riziki Shemdoe (2015). Indigenous Practice of Sigi Community and Forest Management Decision Making: A Perspective of Community Forest Interaction. Journal of Natural Resources and Management 6:14-21

Charles Kihampa., Riziki S. Shemdoe and Mattheus Hanghome (2015). Trace metal pollution in surface water and sediment of a Mountain River in an East African country. Elixir Pollution 88: 36160-36165

Mwangeni N, Shemdoes R.S and Kiunsi R.B (2015) Assessment of changes in provision of forest ecosystem goods and services and benefit sharing mechanisms in Ugalla- Masito Ecosystem: A case of Ilagala and Karago villages. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 7(5):290 – 298 (May, 2015)

Mwangeni N, Shemdoes R.S and Kiunsi R.B (2015) Potential Carbon Credit and Community Expectations towards Viability of REDD Project in Ugalla- Masito Ecosystem. A case of Ilagala and Karago Villages, KigomaTanzania. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9(4): 307-315

Riziki Shemdoe, Gabriel Kassenga, Stephen Mbuligwe (2015). Implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation interventions at the local government levels in Tanzania: where do we start? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 13: 32-41

Shemdoe RS and Mwanyoka IR (2015). Natural Resources Based Conflicts and Their Gender Impacts in the Selected Farming and Pastoral Communities in Tanzania. International Journal of African and Asian Studies 15: 83-87

Woiso, D. A., Agea, J. A., Okia, C. A., Kimondo, J. M., Abdallah, J.M., Shemdoe, R. S., Mwang’ingo, P. and Teklehaimanot, Z 2014. Comparison of the Subspecies of Sclerocarya Birrea by Sex and Environment Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, 83(2),44-68

Shemdoe R.S. (2014). Reducing impact of land degradation in Tanzania: Do incentive Market Based Mechanism Work for Sustainable Land Management? Sustainable Development. 7(6):1-7

Gina Cavan Sarah Lindley, Fatemeh Jalayer, Kumelachew Yeshitela, Stephan Pauleit, Florian Renner, Susannah Gill, Paolo Capuano, Alemu Nebebe, Tekle Woldegerima, Deusdedit Kibassa, and Riziki Shemdoe (2014). Urban morphological determinants of temperature regulating ecosystem services in two African cities. Ecological Indicators, (42): 43–57

Hassan, I.H., Mdemu, M.V., Shemdoe, R.S. and Stordal, F. (2014) Drought Pattern along the Coastal Forest Zone of Tanzania. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 4, 369-384.

Woiso Dino Andrew, Riziki Silas Shemdoe, Jacob Godfrey Agea, Clement Akais Okia, James Munga Kimondo, Zewge Teklehaimanot and Patrick Mwang`ingo, (2014). Regeneration, Soils and Associates of Three Subspecies of Sclerocarya birrea in Tanzania. Agricultural Journal, 9: 173-182.

Kibassa, D, Kimaro, A. A and Shemdoe, R. S (2013). Heavy metals concentrations in selected areas used for urban agriculture in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Scientific Research and Essays 8(27): 1296-1303

Bwagalilo Fadhili, Evarist Liwa, Riziki Shemdoe (2013). Integrating Geospatial Decision Support Systems with Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resource Management. International Journal of Ecosystem. 3(6): 177-184

Bwagalilo Fadhili, Evarist Liwa, Riziki Shemdoe (2013). Farmland Trees Governance outside Protected Area in Eastern Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2013, 3(7): 284- 293

Mngumi Lazaro, Shemdoe Riziki Silas, Liwenga Emma (2013). Community Perceptions and Willingness to Accept and Execute REDD+ Initiative: The Case of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves, Tanzania. Cross-Cultural Communication, 9(3), 48-54

Shemdoe R.S and Kihila J. (2012). Understanding Community based Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability in Fishing Communities of Rufiji River Basin in Tanzania. African Journal of History and Culture. 4(2): 17–26.

Kihampa C., Mwegoha W.J.S and Shemdoe R.S. 2011. Heavy metals concentrations in vegetables grown in the vicinity of the closed dumpsite. International Journal of Environmental Sciences 2(2):889 – 895

Shemdoe R.S and .Mwanyoka I.R (2011). Biofuel production in Tanzania: Local communities’ perceptions. Cross-Cultural Communication, 7 (4), 79-83.

Shemdoe R.S., Kibassa D., Mshana E.S., Kingazi S and Mombo F. (2011). Politics of REDD: What are communities’ expectations on access and benefit sharing under REDD pilot projects in Tanzania? Prime Research on Education. 1 (7): 134-140.

Shemdoe R. 2010. Role of Housing Licenses in Accessing Loans as a Strategy to Urban Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania.Regional Development Studies 14:81-93

Shemdoe R.S. 2010. Heavy Metal concentrations in soils and leachetes of Mtoni dumpsite bordering Indian Ocean in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Scientific Research and Essays 5 (16): 2143-2147.

Shemdoe, R.S., and Mwanyoka, I.R. 2010. Mainstreaming Climate Change Agenda in National Policies: The Case of Tanzania. Proceedings of the Second Science with Africa Conference – 2010. 229-236pp

Luoga E.J., Silayo, D.A., Abdallah J.M and Shemdoe R.S. 2009. Tree species diversity under pastoral and farming systems in Kilosa District, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal Of Forestry and Nature Conservation 79 (1): 58-68

Woiso, D.S., Shemdoe,R.S, and Kayeye H. 2009. Potentials of and Threats to Traditional Institutions for Community Based Biodiversity Management in Dryland Areas of Lower Moshi, Tanzania. Forest Science. 25 (3):117-185

Shemdoe, R.S., Kikula, I.S., and Van Damme, P. 2009. Traditional Tillage Systems as Drought Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Semi-arid Central Tanzania. Nature and Culture 4(2): 191-207.

Shemdoe, R.S., Kikula I.S., and Van Damme, P. 2009. Increasing Crop Yield in Water Scarce Environments Using Locally Available Materials: An Experience from Semi-arid Areas in Mpwapwa District, Central Tanzania. Agricultural Water Management, 96(6): 963-968.

Shemdoe, R.S., Kikula, I.S., Van Damme, P., and Cornelis, W.M. 2009.Tillage Practices and their Impacts on Soil Fertility in Farmers Fields in Semi-arid Central Tanzania. Journal of Arid Land Research and Management, 23(2): 168-181.

Shemdoe, R. S., Mbago, F. M., Kikula, I. S., and Van Damme, P. 2008. Weed species diversity on arable land of the dryland areas of central Tanzania: Impacts of continuous application of traditional tillage practices. GeoJournal, 71(2-3): 107-115.

Shemdoe, R.S., Kingazi, S.P., Kitula, R., and Chaggu, E.J. 2007. Reducing Stresses on Wetland Resources in Dryland Ecosystems of Mpwapwa District, Central Tanzania: Where Do We Start? Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 9(1): 197 - 206.

Shemdoe, R.S., and Mwanyoka, I.R. 2006. Traditional Knowledge and Practices in Managing Wetland Resources in Dryland Areas of Mpwapwa District, Tanzania. Journal of African Affairs, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 20:181-200.

German, L., Berhane, K., and Shemdoe, R. 2006. Social and environmental trade-offs in tree species selection: a methodology for identifying niche incompatibilities in agroforestry. Environ Dev Sustain, 8:535–552.

Mowo, G.J., Janssen, H.H., Oenema, O., German, L.A., Mrema J.P., and Shemdoe, R.S. 2006. Soil fertility evaluation and management by smallholder farmer communities in northern Tanzania. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116 (1-2): 47–59.

Book Chapters

Shemdoe R.S 2017. Indigenous and local knowledge for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Tanzania: The case of two selected communities: In M. Roué, N. Césard, Y. C. Adou Yao and A. Oteng-Yeboah (eds.). 2017. Indigenous and local knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa. Knowledge of Nature 8. UNESCO: Paris. Pp 41 – 52.

Augustino, S., Eriksen, S., Makonda, F.B.S., Ishengoma, R.C., Gillah, P.R.,Migunga, G.A. and Shemdoe, R.S. Climate change, non-timber forestproducts and livelihood of forest dependent communities Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Tanzania. In Kulindwa, K. A., Silayo, D., Zahabu, E., Lokina, R., Hella, J., Hepelwa.,Shirima, D., Macrice, S and Kalonga,S. (eds) 2016 Lessons and Implications from REDD+ Implementation: Experiences from Tanzania.CCIAM-SUA, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania153 -181.

Masuki K., Mowo., Meliyo J., Wickama J and Shemdoe R. 2015. Social Capital and natural resource governance in Usambara Mountains, Tanzania: In Johson D (Ed) Social Capital Global perspectives management strategies and effectiveness. Economic issues, problems and perspectives. Nova Publishers. New York

Kimaro AA.,Novak KD., Shemdoe RS and Chamshama SAO.2014. Carbon stock in planted woodlots at Kongowe, Kibaha, Tanzania: In Sustainable agroecosystems in climate change mitigation: In M. Oelbermann (ed.) Sustainable agroecosystems in climate change mitigation Wageningen Academic Publishers

Shemdoe R.S, Rugai D and Fantini L. (2014) Climate change adaptation in Dar es Salaam: Local government opinions and proposed interventions De Gruyter Open

Mwanyoka, I., Haule, K., Shemdoe, R., and Roy, M. (2014, in press) Health implications of climate change for dwellers of low-income settlements in Tanzania, in M Roy, S Cawood, M Hordijk and D Hulme (eds.) Urban Poverty and Climate Change: Life in the Slums of Asia, Africa and Latin America, London: Routledge.

Ngware, N., Makalle, A., and Shemdoe, R.S. 2008. Understanding Gender Roles in Integrated Water Resource management in Tanzania: The Case of Usambara Mountains. In: Mukangara, F. and I. F. Shao, (eds.), Gender, Governance and Natural Resources in Rural Settings: Some Case Studies From Tanzania. Dar es Salaam University Press, ISBN 978 9987 442 40 9. pp, 46-78.

Kingazi, S.P., Mombo, F.M., and Shemdoe, R.S. 2008. Discovering The Hidden Values Of Indigenous Tree Resources Of Shinyanga A Gender Perspective In Natural Resources Enterprises: In: Mukangara, F. and I. F. Shao, (eds.), Gender, Governance and Natural Resources in Rural Settings: Some Case Studies From Tanzania. Dar es Salaam University Press, ISBN 978 9987 442 40 9. pp, 125-154.

Mowo, J. G., Shemdoe, R. S., and Stroud, A. 2007. Interdisciplinary Research and Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa: AHI Experiences in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. In: Price, M.F. (ed.) Mountain Area Research and Management Integrated Approaches. Mountain Ecology. Earthscan, ISBN-13: 978-1844074273. pp,118–130.

Shemdoe, R.S, Mbago, F.M., Kikula, I.S., and Van Damme, P. 2009. Weeds as Unwanted Plant Species: Their Positive Aspects in Semi-Arid Areas of Central Tanzania. In: Jaenicke H., Ganry J., Höschle-Zeledon I. and Kahane R. (eds.). 2009. Underutilized Plants for Food, Nutrition, Income and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of International Symposium held in Arusha, Tanzania, 3-7 March 2008. Acta Horticulturae 806. International Society for Horticultural Science. Leuven, Belgium. pp, 367-373.

Other retrievable publications

R Shemdoe (2011). Tracking Effective Indigenous Adaptation Strategies on Impacts of Climate Variability on Food Security and Health of Subsistence Farmers in Tanzania. African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS). https://www.africaportal.org/publications/tracking-effective-indigenous-adaptation-strategies-on-impacts-of-climate-variability-on-food-security-and-health-of-subsistence-farmers-in-tanzania-3/

S Pauleit, K Buchta, H Abo El Wafa, F Renner, A Printz, Y Kumelachew, D Kibassa, R Shemdoe, W Kombe 2014. Recommendations for green infrastructure planning in selected case study cities. CLUVA deliverable D2. 9. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&cluster=6015151219589400729

R.S.Shemdoe (2012). Climate Governance & Development case study of Tanzania. https://za.boell.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Tanzania_long_doc_low_res.pdf

A Gordon-Maclean, J Laizer, PJ Harrison, R Shemdoe (2008) Biofuel industry study, Tanzania - World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Tanzania https://www.tnrf.org/files/E-INFO-WWF-TPO_Biofuel_Industry_Study_Tanzania.pdf

R.S.Shemdoe (2007). Strategies for Flood-Prone Areas: The Case of Msimbazi Valley, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Produced for ProVention Consortium by Risk RED. http://www.proventionconsortium.net/themes/default/pdfs/Forum07/Forum07_shemdoe.pdf

L Berhane K German, R Shemdoe (2004). Social and Environmental Trade-Offs in Agroforestry: Integrating Knowledge Domains to Enhance ‘Win-Win’Scenarios in the Highlands of Eastern Africa. Proceedings of “Integrated Natural Resource Management in Practice 12 – 15pp.

JL Meliyo, HA Mansoor, KFG Masuki, JG Mowo, L German, RS Shemdoe (2004). Socio-economic and biophysical characteristics of Baga Watershed in Lushoto District Tanzania: A step towards integrated watershed management in The African Highlands. AHI Regional Conference. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=11962490286506321466&hl=en&oi=scholarr
