
Waziri wa Mifugo na Uvuvi


Personal Information

Surname: Ulega

Middle Name: Hamis

First name: Abdallah

Profession: Ecologist and Microbiologist

Date of birth: September 28, 1979

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Tanzanian

Religion: Muslim

Present address: P. O. Box 8002

Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Mobile:+255 786 746462

E-mail Address: ulegaabdallal@gmail.com


Education and Training




2018 – To Date

The Open University of Tanzania (OUT)

MA. in Natural Resources Assessment and Management (MAN – RAM)

2006 -2007

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation

Young Leadership Training Programme (YLTP) Certificate

Sept 2002–Jun 2005

University of Dar es Salaam -Tanzania

BSc. in Aquatic Science and Microbiology

July 1999–May 2001

Pugu Secondary School

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)

Jan 1995–Nov 1998

Forodhani Secondary School

Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)

Jan 1988 – Oct 1994

Muungano Primary School

Certificate of Primary Education Examination

Professional and Field Experience

Dates: November, 2006 – 2010

Activity: North Dar Es Salaam Coast Fishery Project

Organization: Bahari Consultancy Company and

PROKI EnvironmentConsultants

Position: Project Coordinator

Location: North coast of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Responsibility: To educate local fishers of North coast of Dar Es Salaam on sustainable utilization of marine resources.

Coordinator of Proki for Bring Back the Dhows Project which is undertaken by Jibondo Island Dhow Association (JIDA), Msasani Slipway Ltd (MSL) and Mafia Island Marine Parks (MIMP) and financed by MACEMP in a format of Public Private Partnership (PPP).

Dates: November, 2006 – 2010

Activity:Establishment of Eco – Tourism Camps on Small Islands

Organization: Coastal Travels Ltd and Msasani Slipway Limited

Position:EIA Consultant on Marine ecosystem and social development

Location:Along Tanzanian Coast

Responsibility:To prepare proposals, EIA / EA and all necessary documents for all proposed projects of Coastal Companies and Coordinate Coastal Companies to different Government Agencies.

DatesJune 1 – July 21, 2004

Activity: Fishery related projects

Position: Marine Science Student

Organization: Institute of Marine Science, Zanzibar

Responsibility: Identification of different fish species landed at several landing sites of Zanzibar, Mangrove studies, Oceanographic projects and seaweed and sea grasses projects.

Dates:July 1 – August 2, 2003

Activity: Assessment of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) stock in Lake Victoria.

Position: Marine Science Student

Organization: Tanzania Fisheries Research (TAFIRI) – Mwanza

Responsibility: Collecting data from the trawling ship, processing data and preparation of reports.

Seminars, Short Courses, Conferences and Workshop Attended

Dates: May 2022

Place: Lilongwe (Malawi)

Topic (Theme): Implementation of Policies and Strategies aimed at Advancing the Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security, Fisheries and Aquaculture Production and Productivity in the Region. (Follow up on the decisions of The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit, Council of Ministers and the Sectoral Committee of Ministers Responsible for Agriculture and Food Security, Fisheries and Aquaculture).

Host/Facilitator: The Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Dates: July 2014

Place: Thailand (Bangkok)

Topic (Theme): Oil and Natural Gas Basic Knowledge with Leadership Skills

Host/Facilitator: Ministry of Energy and Minerals (Tanzania) and Global Network of Australia.

Dates: December 2012

Place: Oslo and Stavanger (Norway)

Topic (Theme): Oil and Natural Gas Basic Knowledge.

(Upstream, Midstream, Downstream and Gas Value Chain)

Host / Facilitator: Statoil and Exxon Mobil.

(Awarded Certificate of Basic Knowledge)

Dates: May 2012

Place: Dodoma (Tanzania)

Topic (Theme): Effective and efficient public sector leadership

Host / Facilitator: Office of Prime Minister (Regional Administration and Local Government in Collaboration with Uongozi Institute.

(Awarded Certificate of Basic Knowledge)

Dates: August 2011

Place: Windhoek (Namibia)

Topic (Theme): Youth Leadership and Political Cooperation among Sister Parties in Southern Africa Liberation Movement Representing CCM Youth Wing.

Host / Facilitator: SWAPO (Sister Political Party of CCM) Youth Wing

Dates: December 2009

Place: Copenhagen (Denmark)

Topic (Theme): Framework for Climate Change Mitigationbeyond 2012

Host/Facilitator: Conference of Parties (COP) 15 - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)

I also attended Seminars and Short Courses in Different Places within the Country on the Following Community Development Sub – Sectors;

  • Health – HIV/AIDS, Communicable Diseases, TB/Leprosy, Maternal and Child Health, Malaria etc.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Agriculture and Cooperative.
  • Economy and Marketing.
  • Water and Sanitation.
  • Leadership.
  • Education.
  • Energy etc.

Projects, Research and Publications

Ulega A. H., Mgaya Y. D., Lokina R. B., and Mushi R. (2022). A Review of Marine Fisheries Resources of Tanzania.

Ulega A. H., Mgaya Y. D., Lokina R. B., and Mushi R. (2022). Tanzanian Fisheries in the Context of Blue Economy: A Case Study of Coastal Marine Fisheries of Tanzania Mainland.

MA. Thesis (2018 – to date): Assessments of the contribution of fisheries industrialization and livelihoods improvements in Tanzania.

BSc. Research Project (2005): Assessment of benthic ecology in Kunduchi intertidal shore.

Key Qualifications

Abdallah Hamis Ulega has been involved in various activities, which are related to marine science, marine project planning, coastal communities’ development projects, strategic planning, environmental impact assessment and biodiversity assessment

  • 2010: Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Proposed Fanjove Island Eco - Lodge in Kilwa, Tanzania. Project of Coastal Travels Ltd.
  • 2009: Involved in Preparation of Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment on the proposed Construction of an airstrip at Kigombe Village in Muheza District, Tanga. Project of Amboni Sisal Properties Ltd, Kigombe Estate.
  • 2009: Prepared full report of Impact Analysis of Fisheries activities resulted from proposed Marine Offshore 2D/3D Seismic Surveys in Pemba Channel Area, Near Tanga. Report for Petroldel Upstrem Limited, UK and Petrodel Tanzania Limited.
  • 2009: Involved in preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment of Nairbatat (Kilimatiti) Tented camp in Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Project of Coastal Travels Ltd. Under Tourism Insight Company.
  • 2008: Prepared a full write-up of Bring Back the Dhows Project, the project focuses on reducing unsustainable utilization of Mafia marine resources by creating dhows tourism as an alternative income generating activities for Jibondo Islander. Project of Jibondo Island Dhow Association (JIDA), Msasani Slipway Limited (MSL) and Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP), the project is financed by MACEMP as Public Private Partnership (PPP) project.
  • 2008: Prepared a full Proposal with Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan for construction of Multi – Purpose Vocational School (Polytechnic School) at Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP). Project of Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers (Tanzania Mission Pro – Province).
  • 2008: Prepared a full Proposal with Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan for Mbarakuni Island Ecological Tourist Camp in Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP). Project of Coastal Travels Ltd.
  • 2006: An analysis of smallholder opportunities in fisheries, coastal and related enterprises in the North Coast of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Consultancy work for Nianjema Fishers Organization / KICAMP.
  • 2006: Environmental Impact Assessment and Feasibility Study of the Proposed Bongoyo Ecological Tourist Camp on Bongoyo Island Marine Reserves in Kinondoni, Dar – Es Salaam, Tanzania. Project of Msasani Slipway Ltd.

Political Experience

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Member of CCM National Congress: 2007 – To date

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Winner Contestant; Member of Parliament for

Mkuranga Constituency 2020

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Deputy Secretary of CCM Members of Parliament 2016 – 2017

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Winner Contestant; Member of Parliament for

Mkuranga Constituency 2015

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Winner Contestant; Member of Parliament for

Mkuranga Constituency 2015

CCM – Youth Wing (UVCCM) – Chairman Coast Region: 2008 – 2012

CCM – Youth Wing (UVCCM) – Member of Youth National Council: 2008 – 2012

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Member of Regional Central Committee: 2007


Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Member of Regional Executive Committee: 2007


Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – Member of District Executive Committee: 2007


Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) – 1st runner-up Contestant; Member of Parliament for

Mkuranga Constituent 2010

Job Experiences

2021 to date- Deputy Minister (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries)

2020-2021- Deputy Minister (Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts and


2020 – 2025- Member of Parliament (Mkuranga Constituency)

2017 – 2020- Deputy Minister (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries)

2015 – 2020 - Member of Parliament (Mkuranga Constituency)

2012 – 2015- District Commissioner (Kilwa and Lindi Districts)

2013 - Acting Regional Commissioner (Lindi Region)

Personal Skills and Competences

Languages: English and Swahili: Competent in Speaking, writing and listening.

Computer skills: Literate in Microsoft office, Adobe illustrator, Surfer 8, Arc GIS, Arc view 3.2, Adobe Photoshop 7 and internet surfing.

Social skills:Interactive, cooperative and capable to work in a team.

Organizational Membership

Organization name: Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)

Position:Member – Card No. 1582508

Award:Certificate of Appreciation

Organization name: UVCCM

Position: Member – Card No. 714833

Award: Certificate of Appreciation

Organization name: Mkuranga District Development Fund (MDDF)


Award: Certificate of Appreciation

Organization name: Ocean Experts

Position: Member

Award: Certificate of Appreciation

Organization name: WIOMSA (Western India Ocean Marine Scientists Association)


Award: Certificate of Appreciation

Organization name: Jumuiya ya Wabunge Waislamu Tanzania

Position: Member and Secretary

Award: Certificate of Appreciation

Interests/ Hobbies: Reading books, Watching Soccer, adventures, swimming and Singing.


Prof. Yunus D. Mgaya, PhD.

Director General,

National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR)

Cell +255 (0) 784 237 774

Prof. Razack B. Lokina, PhD

Acting Principal,

College of Social Sciences,

University of Dar es Salaam.

Cell +255 (0) 84574369


I Abdallah Hamis Ulega declare on my word of honor that the information given above correctly describes my personal particulars, education, training and experience as per June 2022.

